If you read my previous blogs, I usually look into Login/Signup Functionalities and I did the same thing here. I turned on my BurpSuite to capture all the requests & responses and signed up on the website and went through every functionality. After spending a some good amount of time understanding the platform, I wore my hackersuit [Just Kidding🙃]. I started looking into IDOR Vulnerabilities but had no luck :(, tried XSS on Username fields but still the same result And Now, I actually started looking into my favourite spot.
Bookmarks will help you, Believe Me:
I logged out of my account and started looking into Forgot-Password End-point. I had my eyes on JS files which can reveal some important information sometimes but there is nothing interesting at this point in time. So I entered my registered email on the Forgot-Password field and click on send, And guess what? It asks for 6-digit OTP😙.
And the First thing that comes into my mind is “Bruteforce, Bruteforce, Bruteforce…….😂”. And I entered a Wrong OTP in the browser and captured that request in Burp, Looking into the response, it says “4 More Attempts Left”😶. I am like ~
And then I sent the request to Repeater and sent it multiple times and got eventually ended with the response saying, “Your Account is blocked, Wait for 2hours”.
Here, I tried multiple methods like X-Forwarded-For: <IP> and many more but nothing works out!. Then I remember from my Bookmarks on my browser, Someone bypassed Rate-Limiting by changing the IP Address. And I turned on my free VPN service, so-called “ProtonVPN”😙 and connected to the free server and I sent the request and got ended with a response saying, “4 More Attempts Left”. Next Moment,
I thought of reporting it here but I stopped😶. What’s the impact though? Just bypassing the rate limit is not a great thing and in order to get correct OTP, we need to have 2,00,000 IPs which costs some good amount of money😂 so I gave up on this.
Google it, Until you find it🔥
While I am in college, I got to remember “Race-Condition” vulnerability during my Math class😅 so immediately after reaching home, I revisited the program and tested the request with the “modified race.py” script [ default script from Turbo-Intruder within Burp ].
What is Race-Condition though? “A race condition is a flaw that produces an unexpected result when the timing of actions impacts other actions. An example may be seen on a multi-threaded application where actions are being performed on the same data.” In simple terms, sending multiple requests in a fraction of time to trick the server.
Now, After looking into all the responses from Turbo-Intruder, I was the happiest person at the moment and excited at the same moment. I was able to send almost 200 requests without hitting the rate limit🔥.
Report Writing pays off
By Using this vulnerability, An Attacker can able to brute-force any 6 digit OTP by having 5000 IPs [which costs around $150-$250 ] and can get into any user account, and can able to transfer the funds into his own wallet address. This is a severe rated-vulnerability and some top companies like Instagram and Microsoft paid $30000 and $50000 respectively.
[ Note ]: The Full POC is not possible as it needs a lot of computing resources and IPs in order to show the actual vulnerability and that’s the only reason why the severity changes from Severe to High.
I immediately recorded the POC[Proof-Of-Concept] and started writing down the report. It took me one hour to write a detailed report with supporting evidence. And then the story continues in the timeline:
- Report Sent: 11th March, 2022
- First Response: 16th March, 2022 [Their Support Team said, Security team is verifying the Vulnerability I reported.]
- Second Response: 23rd March, 2022 [Still said the same thing but they are so trustworthy.]
- Triage: 29th March, 2022 [Team validated the vulnerability and awarded me with an bounty of $50 😶 I was literally in shock, I was expecting more.]
- Discussions with Security and HITCON Team: 29th March, 2022–31st March, 2022 [They are very responsive and explained the root causes along with impacts. ]
- Third Response: 31st March, 2022 [ I got awarded a Bounty of $1000 which is higher than the bounty stated on their Bug-Bounty page, and got an appreciation for my efforts and patience.]
- Fixed the Vulnerability and Resting: 1st April, 2022 [ I confirmed that the vulnerability doesn’t exist anymore and gave some security measures aka tips.]
- Received Bounty: 6th April, 2022 [ I received the bounty via LTC, I was so happy to get second crypto bounty😁😭.]
It’s all about how you END! aka Gratitude 🙂
I know, this program took more days to fix the vulnerability and pay the bounty but I still love their support and security team for being in touch all the time. I really appreciate their efforts and quick fixes from their security team and special thanks to higher officials who were involved in this.
That’s all for my third blog😁, I hope you enjoyed it and still looking for your suggestions on improving my writing skills. Feedback is always accepted🥰